Weekly Roundup #43
Welcome to Roundup, showcasing the freshest tunes at the moment.
Another week, another roundup. What are you spinning?
My Sunshine - Alexandra Leaving
My Sunshine is the final single of the year from emerging indie-rock artist Alexandra Leaving, after a momentous year with a marvellous EP. After establishing herself as self-described cloud rock, her latest offering delivers everything she stands for and more. There’s no wonder Leaving is cropping up on the radio consistently.
9 LIVES - Emei
Bridging a curveball collaboration with breakout US producer prodigy Whethan and the release of her next project “RABBITHOLE”, Emei fires her final dart at bullseye ahead of the release with “9 LIVES”. With an EP due imminently, her latest single is a hit which throws her cards on the table for what’s coming.
Time Of My Life - Somebody’s Child
It’s been a whirlwind of a year for Somebody’s Child, cropping up everywhere to play blissful indie pop. His latest single is a departure from what came before, leaing further on influences like LCD Soundsystem, The National and U2. What really stands out lyrically is how poignant everything feels - this new era is about to be his very best, and there’s no denying that.
Eccme Homo - Gavin Friday
Perhaps best known as the often-theatrical founding frontman of cult Irish post-punk outfit Virgin Prunes, Gavin’s career has spanned four decades. His latest record Ecce Homo is a defiant weaving of everything that makes his music so unique; bold, creative and transcending. The title track is a leading light for how pushing boundaries is always the way forward.