Kele Okereke, Bloc Party, says new album will be ‘very confessional’
The Bloc Party frontman has revealed ambitions for their newest record, following a ‘relationship that wasn’t very honest’.
2 min read
Credit: Matt Cardy 📸
Bloc Party have seemingly been on the precipice of a groundbreaking comeback for a while. Their tour with Paramore propelled them back into the spotlight they once grew accustomed to, before gearing up for a string of celebratory shows for their 20th anniversary.
Now they’re back in full swing, after a triumphant Glastonbury performance, the groundbreaking frontman, Kele, was recently in conversation with Billboard discussing his new solo album ‘The Singing Winds Pt.3’. The album is his most honest and vulnerable yet, something we haven’t seen on a Bloc Party record before…until very soon.
During the interview with Billboard, Kele explains:
“There are moments of vulnerability in this record, and throughout my career I’ve always written from an emotional place, but in the past things would be hidden in abstraction and just glimpses of my personal life; for the most part I’ve been quite guarded in things.
With this next Bloc Party record, it’s very personal and confessional, and I’ve never really done that as a songwriter. I’ve always preferred an element of distance. But in the past year I’ve been through quite an unbelievable time and had some very difficult relationships with people, and this is the only place to put all of that.
This next record I’m making will be about the study of a fleeting relationship from start to finish. And it’s going to be incredibly personal, but I’m excited about that because it’s something I’ve never really done before. I’ve never really spoken directly, and this time I will.”
Bloc Party’s latest offering was the bouncy single ‘Flirting Again’ which saw the quartet returning to their roots, following EP ‘The High Life’. You can read our full review here.
We’re interested in now seeing how the band will take what they do best, and begin weave these deeper narratives. Knowing Bloc Party, they’ve never been afraid to take risks. The future looks exciting for one of the most important genre-defining bands of the early 00’s.
Read the full article on Billboard now.
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